Peace of mind is something that everyone desires. No one wants to wonder or worry about where there money is going or if they have enough to make that next payment. The truth is, our world doesn’t fit into a 9-5 schedule anymore, and Memory Bank understands that. Knowing where your money is and having access to your banker whenever you need them, will give you peace of mind and allow you to spend time with your family, friends, and create new memories every day.
Director: Zach Meiners
Creative Agency: Profancik/ Bandy Carrol Hellige
DP: Sam Windell
Producer: Zach Jenkins
Creative: Larry Profancfik, Henreitta Pepper
Agency Producer: Ted Eckel
Production Managers: Tyler Sgueglia, David Pendras
Man: Ryan Hough
Woman: Xiomara Cisneros
Voiceover- Gary Ray Moore
1st AD: Matt McKlusky
Gaffer: Oskar Ness
Key Grip: Jimmy Stuart
Editor/ Colorist: Chris Johnson
Post Audio: Brad Cassetto
1st AC: Rod Williams
2nd AC: Megaera Stephens
Audio: Adriano Bravo
Hair Stylist/ Makeup: Valeri Emmi
Art PA: Kael Teodorowicz
Set PA: Cain Czopek
Driver: Tyson Viarengo
Craft Services: Diane Wilkinson
Park Ranger/ Security: Dan Perry
Filmed in Montara Beach, CA
Camera/ Lensing: RED Weapon, Leica Sumicron-C Lenses